Welcome to Compleat Angler Rewards, our loyalty program which enables our customers to earn points which can be redeemed toward future purchases. It's our way of saying thank you to our many customers and friends who have supported us over the years. Here's how it works. 

How it Works

When you create an account with us you'll be automatically enrolled. As you shop we'll keep track of your spending and will tally the points you've accumulated. 

The value of Compleat Angler Rewards points is as follows:

  • 500 Points = $20 off
  • 1,000 Points = $45 off
  • 2,000 Points = $90 off
  • 4,000 Points = $180 off

Here are the ways to earn them: 

  • Earn 1 Point for Every $1 Spent
  • Create an account - 25 points
  • Complete Your Profile - 50 points
  • Share on Facebook - 25 points
  • Like us on Facebook - 25 points
  • Follow on Instagram - 25 points
  • Refer A Friend - 25 points

Checking Your Rewards Balance

Reward points are accumulated for both Online and In-Store purchases. The Rewards account is tied to the email used when signed up for the program. If you signed up ONLINE, you'll be able to check your rewards balance by clicking on the REWARDS TAB on the right of our website


If you signed up IN-STORE you'll need to create an online account (using the same email used to enroll in the program). To do this, click on the REWARDS TAB and then CREATE AN ACCOUNT.  After you you do this, you'll receive an email confirmation asking you to activate the account. Once activated, you'll be able to see your points balance on the Rewards Tab.



Redeeming Rewards

In-Store:  At checkout, our staff will ask you if you're in our rewards program. They can check your points balance and apply the rewards towards your purchase.

Online: You'll need to check your rewards account before you check out to see if you have points to redeem.  If eligible, choose the amount you'd like to redeem and then you'll receive a pop up with a one-time Code to use at checkout. You'll also receive this Code via email.




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