June 27, 2024 10 min read

Hello Compleat Angler friends! The good news for this week is the rain that we received on Wednesday evening. This has helped improve flows, increasing them locally on our rivers and streams to above average. The rain has also helped cool water temperatures a bit; you will still want to check your stream temperatures and fish during the morning hours to have safe water temperatures for trout. Generally, temperatures below 68 degrees are safe to avoid stressing trout. Temperatures and flows are ideal on the Farmington River, and there has been some spectacular dry fly action, most notable is the evening Sulphur hatches. You will want to bring a variety of dry flies, including the emergers and spinners of each variation. The Housatonic has been largely unaffected by the rain with low flows and warmer water temperatures. There is some great Smallmouth Bass fishing this time of year as well as Pike and Carp. Saltwater fishing has been a hit or miss this past week, with some anglers finding Bluefish mixed in with Stripers on Sand Eels or Adult Bunker. Low light conditions with tide movement will help improve your odds of finding fish up and willing to cooperate. With more migratory fish moving East both Long Island and Rhode Island have seen improvements. Read on for more…


Local Rivers

Local rivers and streams received a bump in flows from this past Wednesday’s rainstorm. Currently flows are above average, for instance the Saugatuck is flowing at 93.5 CFS. This should help cool water temperatures a bit. If you decide to fish, we recommend fishing in the morning hours after a cool evening when water temperatures will be at their lowest. You can expect the normal hatches for this time of year, including Blue Winged Olives (especially on overcast days) in sizes 18-20, Ant Patterns, Sulphurs and Light Cahills in 12-18, Tan Caddis in 16-20, and Midges in 18-24. You will see rising fish during the afternoons and evenings, however some of these fish have gotten picky. With that said there are plenty of fish still in the rivers from the Spring stocking. Sticking to nymphing during the early hours of the morning is a safe bet until you start seeing hatches and fish rising which will occur later in the morning. During the early hours you will most likely encounter Caddis and Midges. Some of our favorite nymph patterns include Pheasant Tails, Prince Nymphs, Caddis Larvae, Waltz Worms, and Perdigones in sizes 14-18, as well as Zebra Midges in sizes 18-20. If you decide to streamer fish, using small Woolly Buggers in White, Chartreuse, Black, Olive, Grey, and Brown will all do the trick. Streamer fishing will be more successful in the early mornings and especially after the weekends rain. Areas to consider are the Saugatuck, the Mill River in Fairfield, the Aspetuck River, and the Norwalk River. Plenty of ponds and lakes were also stocked, which is a good opportunity to take the kids fishing.

Naugatuck River

Flows also bumped quickly on the Naugatuck, which is currently reading 547 CFS at the Beacon Falls Gauge. This is good news, as it will help water temperatures cool while the wading and clarity remains ideal. Dry fly fishing is steady with the main hatches being Tan Caddis in sizes 16-18, Blue Winged Olives (especially on overcast days) in sizes 18-20, Midges in sizes 20-24, and Ant Patterns. Sulphurs and Light Cahills are hatching with more frequency in sizes 16-18. For nymphing the usual suspects will work well, Caddis Larvae, Pheasant Tails, Prince Nymphs, Waltz Worms and Perdigones in sizes 16-18. Also consider bringing Zebra Midges in sizes 18-24, Mop Flies, and Squirmies. All sections of the Naugatuck were stocked, and the TMAs have received their second round of stocking already. Now that the fish have been in the system for a couple weeks they are keying in on more naturals as well, and coupled with lower flows, they will be rising with more frequency. The Naugatuck is a good alternative for areas with more crowds/pressure. Be mindful of stream temperatures and keep most of your fishing to the morning hours when water temperatures are at their coolest.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01208500

Farmington River

Flows on the Farmington River are back to ideal conditions from dam release with the West Branch in Riverton reading 268 CFS with water temperatures fluctuating in the high 40s to low 50s. The Still River is adding 51.6 CFS to total flows downriver of the confluence. Water temperatures are great for hatch activity, and you will encounter Tan Caddis in sizes 14-18, along with Blue Winged Olives in 18-20, and Midges in 20-24. Sulphurs and Light Cahills are hatching on most of the river in sizes 14-16 in great numbers, and Isonychia have started hatching in the lower river in sizes 10-12 in the faster water. It will also be worth bringing Ants, Beetles, and Hoppers. Hatches have certainly improved, especially with Sulphurs, and larger fish are being caught on the surface. It will help to bring a variety of Sulphurs including cripples, emergers, and spinners. During reduced and normal flows, we recommend using 9’ or greater leaders in 5x-6x. Swinging wet flies, such as a Caddis Pupae, can be effective since Caddis are currently the most active, and this can be an effective afternoon searching technique. The holdovers and wild fish are going to be more difficult but persistence and a more natural selection of flies will help even the odds. With that said anglers are finding some quality fish and are having good success. Nymphing is going to be the most productive method during the morning before most of the hatches start. For nymphing, you will want to bring Pheasant Tails and Prince Nymphs in sizes 12-20, Caddis Larva 14-18, Perdigones 12-20, Hare’s Ears 14-18, Waltz Worms in 14-18, and Zebra Midges in 18-24. Since stocked trout have been in the system for a while, and flows are lower we recommend using smaller and more imitative nymphs that match their wild forage. In terms of rigging, look to use 5x-6x Fluorocarbon when nymphing. Smaller nymphs in sizes 18-20 will pair well on a dry/dropper rig. For Streamer fishing you’ll want to bring some Wolly Buggers and jig style streamers in sizes 8-10 in a variety of colors: Olive, Black, White, and Brown. Fishing articulated flies on a sinking/sink tip line can be another useful tool to include in your arsenal. Weighted Sculpin patterns are another consideration and can be fished on a floating line. Now is a good time for our Trout Spey anglers to use Scandi heads and polyleaders during these average flows. Try swinging some wet flies on less aggressive sinking tips, as insects will become more active during the afternoon. Remember to not high or low hole anyone. Let’s be respectful to other anglers. Good luck! Keep in mind: Please report any suspicious activity and poaching to DEEP by calling 800-842-4357.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01186000

USGS Water-data graph for site 01186500

Housatonic River

The Housatonic was largely unaffected by this past week’s rain and is flowing at 445 CFS at Falls Village. While flows are ideal for clarity and wading, river temperatures are also high. Make sure to check your stream temperatures if trout fishing, the green light to fish is below 68 degrees Fahrenheit. If you do trout fish stick to the mornings when river temperatures are at their coolest. The most recent development is the Alder Fly hatch has started up, along with the usual suspects being Tan Caddis in sizes 14-18 in abundance. Other considerations are Blue Winged Olives in sizes 18-24 (on your overcast days), March Browns in size 14, Sulphurs in sizes 14-16, and Light Cahills in sizes 12-18. Nymphing and streamer fishing will be most productive in the mornings until hatches start. For nymphing, consider bringing Pheasant Tails, Prince Nymphs, Caddis Larvae, Scud patterns, Prince Nymphs, Hare’s Ears, Waltz Worms, Perdigones, and Yellow/Golden Stoneflies in sizes 12-18. For smaller nymphs, Zebra Midges in 18-24, will fool fish under most conditions. For nymphing with an indicator (we’ve had great feedback on the Oros Stike Indicators), a 9ft tapered fluorocarbon leader in 5x-6x is recommended.  Streamer fishing can also be a fun and productive technique. If you are fishing articulated neutrally buoyant streamers (Mini Dungeons, Drunk and Disorderly, Circus Peanuts, ect), you will want to pair these with a sinking line and a short 5’ leader tapered from 20lb to 10lb. For our floating line streamer anglers, consider drab colored Conehead Woolly Buggers paired with a 9ft 2x leader. This time of year is great for Pike and Smallmouth fishing. For Pike consider using a 8-10wt rod rigged with a sinking line, bite wire, and a larger streamer such as a Flashtail Whistler. They can be found lurking around coves and the slower weedier sections of the Housatonic. Smallmouth fishing is also excellent right now, and some anglers are finding double digit numbers using Woolly Buggers with a sink tip line on 6 and 7wt rods.

USGS Water-data graph for site 01199000


Striper action is holding steady while Bluefish are showing up with more frequency. The most prevalent bait is currently Silversides, Sand Eels and larger Bunker pods, and fish can be found on top when you find the birds and bait in low light conditions. The average size of the class of migratory fish are 30-35” while the larger fish have been tougher to come by. The fish have also spread into areas further East in Connecticut along the shorelines and ledges into Old Saybrook. Our boat anglers are also finding fish migrating towards Middleground and other areas in the mid sound, whether it’s Stripers crashing bait or Bluefish finning. If fishing on foot, focus your search on areas around the Norwalk Islands, the beaches off Westport (sand Eels), and the coves and mouths of Rivers. So many options are fishing well that it helps to cover ground until you find the birds active on bait. For our saltwater fishery we recommend using a 9 or 10wt rod paired with an intermediate sinking line. For your leader a shorter 7.5ft section of 20-30lb will turn over easily when paired with a Clouser or other larger wind resistant flies. For colors consider bringing Olive and White on clear sunny days. If the water is stained, bringing brighter colors such as Chartreuse and White will help stand out in dirty water. For our boat anglers bringing larger Bunker to juvenile Silverside Patterns and Sand Eels will be key as there is a variety of bait and sizes. Some of the salt ponds, such as Holly Pond and Old Mill, are seeing steady Striper fishing, with Silversides being the predominant forage. Focusing on rocky structures and points when fishing from a boat is crucial, and this time of year you will find Stripers cruising the flats early in the morning. Some fish are starting to leave the deeper water ledges in favor of moving east, however you may still find fish crashing bait during the mornings. If there’s no surface activity, marking fish with sonar and using full sinking lines will also work. For this fishing we recommend a 4-6” Deceiver in Olive/White. Please be safe out there and respectful to other boaters!

Hot Flies:

Deceivers in various colors


Peanut Bunker Patterns

Custom Tied Baby Bunker (Super Realistic!)

Medium Sized Bunker Flies

Bob’s Banger (Stripers and Bluefish)

Larger Herring Flies


Good Fly Lines For Spring/Summer:

SA Full Intermediate

Rio Outbound Short (Good for big flies and big winds)

Rio Striper (Good all-rounder)

Airflo Universal Cold Salt



Rio Striped Bass Leader


New York

The Catskills

Flows on the Delaware River are lower than average on all sections. Currently the Mainstem at Lordville is 1160 CFS, the West Branch is flowing 547 CFS at Hale Eddy, while the East is 462 CFS at Fishes Eddy. Water temperatures are too warm on all sections with the exception being the West Branch. Dry fly fishing has been a hit or miss, and with the warmer and sunnier afternoons timing your fishing around overcast days and at sundown has been best for surface activity. Look to bring Tan Caddis in sizes 16-18, along with Sulphurs in sizes 16-18 and Isonychia in sizes 10-12. During the overcast days Blue Winged Olives are more prolific in sizes 16-24. You can expect to encounter Sulphurs in the evening, so it is worth staying until dark. Fishing Isonychia during the evenings in faster water can be effective at times. Streamer fishing will be tricky during these flows, but swinging soft hackles and emergers, as well as nymphing and dry/dropper rigs. For nymphs we recommend bringing Prince Nymphs, Pheasant Tails, Caddis Larvae, Perdigones, Waltz Worms, etc... In sizes #12-#20. Nymphing during the sunnier afternoons has been the most productive. If trout are on Caddis, try fishing some emergers just below the surface film if they’re refusing the adult. Anglers have been finding some good size Brown Trout around 20” and there are more Rainbow Trout being brought to hand. Both the Beaverkill and Willowemoc and in good shape for wading are giving up some impressive fish as well.

New York Saltwater

Eaton’s Neck and other areas along the North Shore still have some Migratory and resident Stripers chasing Sand Eels and Bunker along the shorelines with more Bluefish now in the mix. Anglers are also doing well further East into Plum Gut, The Race, and Gardiners Island which means a fair number of fish are traveling East. Striper fishing in the harbors and coves continues to be good as they gorge on smaller Sand Eel offerings. Along the South Shore beaches and into Montauk Stripers have been in the surf and holding in deeper water structure, when they’re blitzing on top, they’re either on Sand Eels or Adult Bunker. There are also plenty of 6-10lb Bluefish pushing bait at the head of the rips during all hours of the day. However, fishing early in the morning will give you a better chance at finding Stripers on the surface. Squid patterns are also working in the rips. The salt ponds, coves, and flats are also fishing well so there’s plenty of options and fish in different scenarios. For the back bays you will want to bring some smaller Clousers in #2 and a variety of colors, small Deceivers, Sand Eel patterns and Crabs. Fishing poppers early mornings on a floating line can be a blast, such as Bob’s Bangers and Gurglers. Most of the holdovers you will find are in the 20-30” size with a few high 30” in the mix. If searching for migratory fish, 40” and over that have shown up in more numbers, bring some larger flies to imitate adult Bunker paired with a sinking line to cut below the schools. Look for signs of nervous and faster moving bait as Stripers will be pushing below them. Bluefish can be a blast on big poppers, and some anglers are finding larger ones up to 15lbs. Depending on your tide, night fishing has been great. Smithtown has also seen an increase in action with Stripers chasing both Bunker and Sand Eels. There are tons of great options now!

Rhode Island Saltwater

More large migratory fish have filtering in this week around the beachfronts and bays that are crashing on Adult Bunker pods. Narragansett Bay, Providence, and Newport have improved with topwater action. The worm hatch in the salt ponds also continues to be consistent towards the evenings. While far and few, some Bluefish are also being caught. Both the flats and bays around Cape Cod have been steady, however some of the bays with warmer water temperatures are starting to shut down. Both Watch Hill and Point Judith is also seeing more migratory fish with the largest being up to 40”. Buzzards Bay, Providence, and Newport are fishing consistent with Stripers blitzing early mornings. The salt ponds are seeing some great Cinder Worm hatches with Stripers gorging on them. Rhode Island has heated up in terms of size and numbers of Stripers, so there’s tons of great options available.