July 09, 2015 1 min read

For my wedding, people were incredibly generous. But one gift I have found to be particularly touching: a dubbing needle made by my friend Marc Aroner of Spinoza Rod Company. I saw them when I visited his shop months ago, and coveted them then, but receiving one in the mail was a complete surprise.

This dubbing needle condenses Marc’s incredible craftsmanship into one small, beautiful package. They are, without question, the most beautiful dubbing needles I have ever seen. The metal work is remarkable. Made from Purdey shotgun stock and Leonard Bamboo, it has the precision of a jewel maker, the heart of a bamboo purist, and more history than their modest size can possible convey.

They’ve sold out, but Marc and his son Jonas inform me they’ll be selling more soon. Head on over to their site for more info. I suggest you get your name on the waitlist; they’re worth the price, and the wait.

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